Difficulty: Easy-Moderate

Wainwright Guide: Book Two – The Far Eastern Fells

Windermere from Wansfell

Overlooking the Northern end of Windermere and the bustling town of Ambleside, Wansfell is often overlooked in favour of the more commonly talked about Loughrigg Fell and the Fairfield Horseshoe. It definitely should not be though! The views over the lake are second to none and there is more to this fell than meets the eye.

When Jonny and I first tackled Wansfell the weather was slightly less than ideal but it did not dampen the views! We have still not managed to reach the summit in the sun but I can only imagine how amazing it would be.

Where to Start?

You can start this walk from anywhere in Ambleside. There are multiple car parks available and of course many people will actually be staying there!

A good landmark to set off from is the Salutation Hotel and Spa. Keep this on your left and look ahead following the one way system.

As you approach the right hand turn in the road there will be a side road visible straight ahead of you.

A small brown sign directs you towards the waterfall, Stock Ghyll Force. Follow the road round to the left continuing to follow these signs.

Stock Ghyll Force

The small detour to the viewing platform for this waterfall is one of the best things about the ascent of Wansfell. It adds something slightly different to the hike.

After walking a fair way up the road you come to a well marked path on the left. Head in this direction and follow along the side of the water.

There are lots of smaller waterfalls to admire through this woodland trail but Stock Ghyll Force itself is fantastic.

From the viewing platform a small path leads back towards the road.

Turn left and continue up the hill, past some houses and over a cattle grid.

You will come to a set of steps and a gate to your right. Head through here and the proper ascent will begin.


The path up the fellside is very well marked and easy to follow but definitely is steep in places.

It goes from being a well worn track through the grass to being a fully stoned path, although still in keeping with the natural landscape.

As the path zig zags up the fell getting progressively steeper you start to get fabulous views of Ambleside below, the surrounding fells including Loughrigg and looking right across towards the Kirkstone pass.

Ambleside from Wansfell

After battling your way up a particularly steep zigzag you come to an amazing viewpoint from which you can admire Windermere. This is often mistaken for the summit and seems to be where many people stop and turn around. The view is definitely superior to the one from the true summit, however getting to the top is part of the challenge so I would encourage heading on from here!

Windermere from Wansfell

Looking behind the small rocky outcrop there is a fence line with a metal gateway. Head through here and follow the fence keeping it to your left.

The path, although obvious, can get boggy in some places and the terrain is undulating. It feels a way away from the viewpoint but there are fell ponies about to enhance the scenery.

Looking towards Wansfell summit


The true summit is marked by a rather small cairn compared to some other local fells, but it does boast some nice views across towards the Kirkstone Pass and the Kentmere Horseshoe in one direction, and back towards Windermere in the other.

Wansfell summit


The descent is sadly retracing your steps and heading back along the path you came on. It does however mean you get to go back past the first lovely viewpoint and take in glorious views of Ambleside.

Fell pony on Wansfell

The descent from the viewpoint is steep so be careful in the wet weather.

Once you’re back in town there are so many options around for a drink or a well deserved meal! Where you pick will depend on personal preference but it’s hard to go wrong when surrounded by such variety.

Have you completed Wansfell yet? Let me know in the comments!


Ambleside - Complete Travel Guide - The Young Rambler · June 19, 2024 at 9:25 pm

[…] Wansfell (Far Eastern Fells) […]

Kentmere Horseshoe - The Young Rambler · June 20, 2024 at 3:26 pm

[…] The track is again, easy to follow. The steepness does vary, however this is one of the more gentle ascents of the hike. Pausing to look back every now and again will give you excellent views of Windermere, and Wansfell. […]

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