Difficulty: Moderate
Wainwright Guide: Book Six- The North-Western Fells

Whiteless Pike is often looked at as a stepping stone on the way to Grasmoor, but it’s a great hike on its own! It’s got fabulous views, not only towards Grasmoor, but back over Crummock Water towards Mellbreak, and over Buttermere to Haystacks and beyond. The route is fairly self-explanatory and for the most part it is an easy ascent, however there are some steeper sections. If you’re feeling particularly energetic there is always the possibility of adding some other fells to your hike too.
I did this one as a solo hike with Emi. I originally set out to do Rannerdale Knotts but for some reason decided Whiteless Pike was not that far away and continued up there instead. It was definitely manageable, albeit hardwork. I’m sure Jonny would have been much quicker than I was, and I’m sure I wouldn’t have found it as much hard work without a baby to carry.

Where to Start?
I parked where I usually would do to access the bluebells at Rannerdale. There are a couple of small, free car parks here, shown below. Make sure to get there early to gaurantee a space and park sensibly to allow others to get in too. If you don’t manage to get in here there are paid car parks further towards Buttermere to park in. You could park there and follow the beginning of the route to Rannerdale Knotts to start the hike, especially if you have the energy to add extra fells in.
From the car park you want to head across a grass track towards the gully between Rannerdale Knotts and the Grasmoor range.

At the right time of year you’ll be walking through a beautiful blanket of bluebells. We were a little late to see this annual phenomenon in full glory but it is excellent if you get the chance!

At the end of the bluebell patch you get to a small bridge which crosses the beck. Cross over and go through a gate in the stone wall directly ahead of you. Turn left and continue up the valley, keeping Rannerdale Knotts to your right.

This path gently ascends up to a little bit of a crossroads but you can take a small track to the left and divert onto Whiteless Pike before you reach it.

This path joins onto the main track that ascends Whiteless Pike turning left and making another gentle ascent along the fellside.

The path gives great views past Rannerdale Knotts, across Crummock Water and over to Mellbreak. You even start to get glimpses of Loweswater! This is a view that only gets better the higher up you are.

There is s short portion where the path plateaus before the final push up towards the summit, now clearly visible from a distance.

The final ascent probably isn’t too taxing when you don’t have a baby on your back, but damn did I find it a slog. The path was well marked and easy to follow, but definitely the steepest section.

The steepness does begin to level off as you come towards the summit.
The summit itself is marked by a small cairn. It is quite unexciting physically as you look towards the larger summits of Grasmoor and Wandope, but the views definitely make the hike worthwhile.

Looking down to Buttermere the surrounding fells look amazing.

Across towards Loweswater is also a phenomenal view.

Last but not least looking behind to Grasmoor. The views from this summit are amazing!

At this point in our journey Emi had fallen asleep, so needless to say the initial steep part of the descent I was very unbalanced. The route down is the route by which you came. Easy enough to follow and retrace.

The walk across the grassy plateau section is beautiful. With Buttermere straight ahead of you to admire you can really take your time and relax in your surroundings.

As you come down towards the crossroads you can head along to the summit of Rannerdale Knotts if you have the energy. Emi and I unsurprisingly opted to head back to the car!

The best thing about heading back down this valley is getting a second walk through the bluebells!

Getting back to the car was a big relief for me. Backpack off and relax!

All in all I would say this is a fantastic hike. If I can manage it with a baby in a backpack I’m certain many others would manage easily without. The summit views are some of the best and I highly recommend this walk to anyone!
In terms of refreshment, head into Buttermere and grab a pint in either pub or an ice cream from Sykes Farm.
Have you done Whiteless Pike yet? How did you find it? Let me know in the comments!
1 Comment
Rannerdale Knotts - The Complete Guide - The Young Rambler · June 25, 2024 at 9:24 pm
[…] summit depending on which direction you are coming from and whether you want to continue up towards Whiteless Pike and Grasmoor. I personally enjoy starting off from […]
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